Vineyard Wind Proposes Plan to Redevelop Tisbury Marine Terminal

The MVC is reviewing a large, complicated project to redevelop the Tisbury Marine Terminal into a vessel staging facility for Vineyard Wind.

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Nantucket Group Sues to Block Vineyard Wind Project

A group of Nantucket residents filed a lawsuit Wednesday against the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Management and others, claiming federal officials did not adequately consider the adverse effects on the North Atlantic Right whale and other marine life.

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Right Whales Increase Activity in Ocean Waters Slated for Offshore Wind Farms

Critically endangered North Atlantic right whales are increasing their presence in waters south of Martha’s Vineyard, according to a recent study, including large swaths of ocean slated for wind energy development.

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Vineyard Wind Clears Final Approval from U.S. Government

With fanfare, the Biden administration announced its final approval for Vineyard Wind, marking a major milestone for the project that grew its roots partly on Martha’s Vineyard.

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U.S. Department of Interior Jump Starts Vineyard Wind, Approving Final EIS

The department announced that a long-awaited environmental analysis of the plan to build the first commercial-scale offshore wind farm 12 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard is complete.

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Vineyard Wind Federal Review Is Back on Again

The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it would heed Vineyard Wind’s plea to resume review of its massive infrastructure project, jump starting the country’s first utility-scale offshore wind-farm after it appeared dead in the water only months earlier.

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Vineyard Wind Seeks to Jump Start Federal Review

Vineyard Wind announced Monday it was requesting federal review of the plan to build the nation’s first industrial-scale wind farm 15 miles south of the Vineyard.

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Vineyard Wind Withdraws From Federal Permitting Process

Vineyard Wind has withdrawn its construction and operation plans from the federal permitting process, suddenly throwing the future into limbo for the consortium.

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Vineyard Wind Sees More Permitting Delays

Vineyard Wind, the international consortium that plans to build the nation’s largest offshore wind farm 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, has been hit with yet another delay.

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Environmental Impact Statement Released for Vineyard Wind

Vineyard Wind has cleared a major hurdle with its plan to build an industrial-scale offshore wind farm 15 miles south of the Island.

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