Lora Marden and Todd Richardson of Quincy are pleased to announce their engagement.
Miss Marden, the daughter of Willard Marden 3rd of Oak Bluffs and Beth Marden of Bridgewater, and granddaughter of Beverly DeSorcy of Edgartown and Willard Marden Jr. of Falmouth, is a 2003 graduate of the University of Rochester. Mr. Richardson, a 2002 graduate of Stonehill College, is the son of Patricia Richardson of Taunton. The couple are both employed by Genzyme in Cambridge.
Michael and Maria Bettencourt of Edgartown announce the engagement of their daughter, Kellie Marie Bettencourt, to Jesse James Martin, both of Oak Bluffs. Jesse is the son of Judy Rose and Alan Hasty of Santa Cruz, Calif., and Jim and Geri Anne Martin of Burlingame, Calif.
Alan and Chele Reekie of West Tisbury announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer, to Johnathon Goeckel, the son of Hans Peter Goeckel and Judith Pfeiffer of Katama. Ms. Reekie, who is the granddaughter of the late John and Bonnie Meras of East Chop, is a graduate of the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and Bentley University class of 2010. She was the supervisor last summer of the Oak Bluffs Marina.
Corinna McCurdy and Joshua Liebowitz were married Sept. 10, 2011, on a bright, sunny afternoon overlooking the lagoon in Vineyard Haven at the home of the bride’s maternal grandmother, Pamela Cassel. Corinna is the daughter of Tom and Jennifer McCurdy of Vineyard Haven. She is a graduate of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School, Boston University and the University of Pennsylvania Law School, and an attorney with Latham & Watkins in Menlo Park, Calif. Josh is the son of Richard Liebowitz of New York City, and Elizabeth Simoneau of Tucson, Ariz.