Jonathan Burke

Tisbury Prepares Comprehensive Survey to Develop Town Master Plan for Future

Greetings from the Tisbury planning board this year will come in the form of a survey that will be used to gather information for the development of a master plan.

"A well-constructed master plan provides the basis for decision-making regarding the long-term physical development of the town. It usually leads to specific zoning bylaw changes to effect the goals expressed and to set the tone for all land-use decisions. The plan also serves as valuable documentation when seeking grants or other forms of assistance," states the press release issued by the planning board last week.

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Island Economy Holds Strong in 2002; Land and Home Sales Point the Way

Looking back over 2002, the Island's economy showed strength during a year of uncertainty and possible war.

Land, the Island's most formidable asset, held its value. According to James Lengyel, executive director of the Martha's Vineyard Land Bank, land and housing values grew in 2002. Land bank revenues for the six-month period from July 1 to Dec. 31 were up 12 per cent over the first six months of 2001. Transactions were up four per cent.

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Barge Firm Is Big Oil Transporter

Bouchard Transportation Co., whose barge Number 120 deposited approximately 15,000 gallons of Number 6 diesel fuel into Buzzards Bay Sunday, is no stranger to the process they are now going through - clean-up and investigation.

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