For decades, Farm Pond in Oak Bluffs has been closed to shellfishing. But salvation may not be far off. The town has learned that it’s in the running for major federal funding to widen a culvert under Sea View avenue and restore tidal flushing to the pond.
Farm Pond, the 42-acre great salt pond that hugs the edge of the Harthaven section of Oak Bluffs along Beach Road, is ailing and at risk due to too much nitrogen, a draft study for the ongoing Massachusetts Estuaries Project concludes.
The draft report, which is now circulating among town leaders and water quality planners, also finds that rehabilitation of the pond is easily within reach and could be largely accomplished by significantly widening the culvert that allows tidal exchange between the pond and Nantucket Sound.
Help is on the way to improve water circulation in Farm Pond in Oak Bluffs.
The town learned this week that it had received an $80,000 grant to complete the engineering and permitting for a wider culvert, intended to help restore the health of the pond by allowing a greater exchange with the sea.