Steve Donoghue
The Sweetest Days by John Hough Jr., Gallery Books, 2021, 352 pages, $27.
Steve Donoghue
The narrator of Fred Waitzkin’s new novel Strange Love had an experience that’s all too familiar to many writers: he peaked early.
Louisa Hufstader
In Dr. Stephen Gardner's new book, Jabberwocky: Lessons in Love from a Boy Who Never Spoke, he tells the story of his son Graham's inspiring life.
Camp Jabberwocky
An author signing and dog pawing take place Friday when Dan Perdios and his golden retriever Morgan head over to Edgartown Books.


Here’s the ultimate coffee table book for every home in New England.

Covid Monologues MV is the brainchild of Moira Convey Silva and Jennifer L. Knight, who have curated a wide selection of written responses to the pandemic.

Longtime Edgartown Golf Club manager Mark Hess has written a new book as an homage to his place of employment, You Don't Have a Prayer .


The progress of medical science in the last century has not only postponed death for many Americans but transformed it as well.

Schlepping Around Martha’s Vineyard is a self-guided driving tour that allows individuals to explore on their own and learn more about the history of the Island.

Here on the Island, for many living is an art form and here artists abound.
