Katie Carroll
Positive reflections as the old year wanes.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Ariana Feldberg spotted a muskrat swimming in Turtle Pond the other day.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Welcome, new puppies.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Memorial Day weekend is upon us.
Chilmark Town Column


They say that March comes in like a lion, but this year it was a little more like a lamb.

School vacation is upon us.

Although Valentines Day didn’t originate as a Hallmark holiday, for simplicity reasons many of us have allowed it to evolve into just that.

Since 1887 we have relied upon Punxsutawney Phil to reveal to us the just how long winters grasp will hang on.

Save that date! Come February we’re all going to be itching for something to do and what’s better than getting out to rock the winter blues away with Johnny Hoy and the Bluefish?

The shortest day has passed and although there will be ups and downs in the weather—­it’s winter in New England, after all.
