Katie Carroll
Positive reflections as the old year wanes.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Ariana Feldberg spotted a muskrat swimming in Turtle Pond the other day.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Welcome, new puppies.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Memorial Day weekend is upon us.
Chilmark Town Column


One thing Chilmark potlucks are know for is an over abundance of sweets and many hands to make light work. Although David Flanders, Herbert Hancock, Bette Carroll, and so many others known for their characteristic Chilmark sweet tooth are no longer with us, the tradition lives on and was front and center at the Chilmark Firefighter Association’s annual Christmas party.

December is in full swing and with that comes a whole lot of good cheer.

Last week’s column and mention of David Golart prompted many of us to take a stroll down a very nostalgic Memory Lane.

For many hunters Monday’s weather wasn’t a deterrent to opening day of shotgun season.

When you are a dog lover you have a companion that takes on the role of both friend and family member.

There’s something new in Menemsha. Has anyone spotted it?
