Katie Carroll
Positive reflections as the old year wanes.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Ariana Feldberg spotted a muskrat swimming in Turtle Pond the other day.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Welcome, new puppies.
Chilmark Town Column
Katie Carroll
Memorial Day weekend is upon us.
Chilmark Town Column


The celebration of May Day is a tradition at the Chilmark School that has stood the test of time.

April rain pools at the edges of roadways, muddies paths and makes things a bit more complicated.

It may not be on the calendar until May 18, but prom-posals are already sweeping across the Island among high school juniors.

I attended a standing room only book signing at the West Tisbury Library this past weekend by 92-year-old Jacquie Renear.

The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival’s big weekend is upon us.

Seth and Joanne Wakeman spent decades in Chilmark dedicated to the community and building strong bonds of friendship that spanned generations, even after retiring to Connecticut in 2002.
