In a story about a Vineyard Haven resident’s efforts to protect the view from the Tashmoo Overlook (Citizen Campaigns to Save Tashmoo View, Nov. 18), the Gazette misstated the ownership of a parcel of land visible from the road. The land is owned by Payette Vineyard Realty Trust, not Thomas and Ginny Payette. The Gazette regrets the error.


In a Sept. 9 story about a woman who was inspired to compete in the Vineyard Warrior Triathlon by the events of 9/11, the athlete, Jennifer Sanford, misstated the name of her husband’s relative who was killed in the attack on the World Trade Center. He was Louis Caporicci, not Frank Piacentino. The Gazette regrets the error.


In a preseason sports report published last week, the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School girls’ lacrosse team should have been included among the teams that won Eastern Athletics Conference championships in the 2010-2011 season. The Gazette regrets the omission.


An editorial in last Friday’s Gazette about the Martha’s Vineyard Farm Project contained inaccurate information about the Native Earth Teaching Farm. The conservation restriction for the Chilmark farm is held by the Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation, not the Vineyard Conservation Society. The Gazette regrets the error.


The headline on a story about a new coalition of nonprofits coming together to purchase the former Thimble Farm property in Vineyard Haven misidentified the mission of the group. The Martha’s Vineyard Farm Project wants to buy the land the Whippoorwill Farm CSA currently uses, not the business. The Gazette regrets the error.


A story in Friday’s paper about a lawsuit brought against Clarence A. (Trip) Barnes 3rd referred to Mr. Barnes’s plan to fight an order to remove unregistered vehicles from his West Tisbury home. Mr. Barnes said he would fight the order to remove storage trailers, not cars.

Harvard professor Joseph L. Bower was incorrectly named in Tuesday’s story about the Summer Institute lecture at the Hebrew Center.

The Gazette regrets the errors.
