
A story in the Jan. 21 Gazette about two wind turbine projects on farms in Chilmark was unclear about the relationship of one person to a distinct group opposing the projects. Allen Farm abutter Jonathan Adler is not a member of the group battling a state plan to build turbines in waters off the Vineyard.


A story in last week’s Gazette about the high school swim team was inaccurate in its history reporting. There was a swim team on the Vineyard in the 1970s that traveled off-Island for meets and practiced in the pool at the hotel that is today the Mansion House. The Gazette regrets the error.


Both the headline and text in a story in the Dec. 31 Gazette about two Aquinnah scallopers cited for possible violations contained inaccuracies. Wilde Whitcomb was not fishing without a license and in fact has a commercial scallop license issued by the town; the question to be decided by town counsel centers on Mr. Whitcomb’s residency status. The Gazette regrets the errors.



MV Glee creator Sandy Stone’s husband Mike Benjamin was misidentified in a story about the new IMP space published last week. The Gazette regrets the error.


In a story about last week’s Oak Bluffs selectmen’s meeting a quote about the prospect of installing parking meters along Ocean Park was incorrectly attributed to Bill McGrath. It should have been attributed to Steve Auerbach. Additionally, a quote criticizing Oak Bluffs’ budget shortfall was attributed to Steve Auerbach. It should have been attributed to Bill McGrath. The Gazette regrets the error.


A story in the Sept. 24 Gazette about the Edgartown Library building project incorrectly named the chairman of the Edgartown Library Foundation; it is Gwyneth (Baba) Smith. Also, due to incorrect information provided by the foundation, the story inaccurately reported the amount of cash raised by the foundation to date. The correct number is $430,000. The Gazette regrets the errors.
