Noah Asimow
An epidemiologist studying how the Vineyard has fared over the past 15 months said the low death tally is more than a statistical anomaly.
Maia Coleman
Dukes County continues to have the highest positivity rate in the state, Tisbury remains in the red and hospital officials are pushing vaccinations in the run-up to summer.
Noah Asimow
Island health officials are ramping up their vaccination efforts, with the Covid-19 mobile vaccine bus making a return to the Island this weekend and separate pop-up clinics scheduled at two more rural locations on the Island.
Maia Coleman
The Martha’s Vineyard boards of health reported one new case of Covid-19 from last week, the lowest weekly case load since the pandemic began, marking a milestone in the Island’s battle against the virus.


As key coronavirus public health metrics continue to decline, the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has entered the second phase of its reopening plan.

No new cases of coronavirus were reported Tuesday, marking the ninth day in a row without a confirmed positive on the Island even as testing capacity continues to expand.

The Boys & Girls Club and YMCA both plan to open summer camps next month, with strict safety protocols. But most other Island camps will cancel this year.

Edgartown restaurants can now officially apply to expand their outdoor dining capacity, after selectmen approved a policy Monday to allow seating areas on downtown sidewalks.

Closed to the public for months, the Vineyard restaurants, retailers and hotels excitedly — but cautiously — re-opened their doors to customers on Monday.

Numbers from the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics show double-digit unemployment across the state in April, and Dukes County is one of the hardest hit.
