TestMV, the Island’s free coronavirus testing site, will close at the end of March, some 22 months after it launched to overwhelming demand at the start of the pandemic.
Islanders are queuing up in large numbers for Covid-19 tests and booster shots, as an early winter case surge swells on the Vineyard and public health officials keep close eye on the numbers.
TestMV — the Island’s free testing site — has also received approval to move from the West Tisbury School to the Agricultural Hall, with the facility seeing a rise in test recipients in recent weeks.
After a year of asymptomatic Covid-19 testing at the regional high school, TestMV is set to move its operation to the parking lot of the West Tisbury School on Monday, June 21, with free testing available weekday mornings through the summer months.
When the pandemic first hit in early March, Owen Burns, today the operations manager at the Island’s free coronavirus testing site TestMV, was in Chicago looking for a job.
Marking another pandemic milestone, Island Health Care, the federally qualified community health center in Edgartown, began vaccinating its front line health care workers Wednesday afternoon.