Paved roads on Cuttyhunk will be getting long-awaited repairs this year after the state announced an $800,000 grant to the Elizabeth Islands town of Gosnold.


The media descended on Cuttyhunk Monday for its eighth grade graduation. The class size: one. The name of the affable graduate: Gwen Lynch.


A Vineyard hotelier with plans to convert a historic Cuttyhunk house into a resort has halted the process amid vocal objections from residents on the tiny island.

With a dwindling year-round population, town officials and the MVC are making a concerted push to make sure Cuttyhunk remains a viable year-round community.

Some of 20 or so year-round residents are now working to expand Cuttyhunk's population by improving services and offering more housing on the small island.


Funding was announced Friday for three key projects: the restoration initiative at Squibnocket Beach in Chilmark; a pilot by the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group to sow marshlands with ribbed mussels; and a project at Barges Beach on Cuttyhunk.
