Noah Asimow
Sebastian M. Pattavina, former owner of The Mod Spa, has been sentenced to two and a half years in jail following a series of sexual assault charges.
Noah Asimow
An Oak Bluffs man was sentenced to 18 months probation this week after pleading guilty to assault, theft and vandalism charges that arose out of a motor vehicle altercation in Oak Bluffs in the summer of 2019.
Noah Asimow
An Oak Bluffs man has been arraigned in Dukes County superior court on 46 charges, including two counts of rape, that stem from a string of alleged incidents over the course of nearly two years.


The question of whether claims of sovereignty entitle the Wampanoag
Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) to skirt local and state laws will be
decided in Dukes County superior court, rather than a federal district
court in Boston where lawyers for the tribe wanted the case tried.


One of the best known traditions of the old Kelley House at Edgartown was its semi-annual entertainment of the Justice of the Superior Court and his suite on the occasion of the sittings of the court in and for the County of Dukes County at Edgartown. The sittings used to fall in April and September, and many stories are still told of Bill Kelley and how, on occasion, he took the judge on a tour of Chappaquiddick while the court stood in recess.
For many years the house opened in time for the spring sitting and closed after the fall sitting.
