Vineyard Gazette
Golf, which has become a popular American pastime, has this week made a start on the Vineyard, and Mr. B. S.
Vineyard Gazette
A golf club has been formed in town and named the Nashouohkamuk Golf Club, Nashouohkamuk being the old Indian name for Chilmark.
Chilmark History
Vineyard Gazette
Mr. Elmes, the proprietor of the links, announces that on Aug. 20, 21, and 22, he is arranging for a ladies’ and gentlemen’s golf tournament, open to all members of the club.
Vineyard Gazette
The Edgartown Golf and Tennis Club was organized this week, and starts off with a good list of members, which it is hoped will be much increased with the next month.
Edgartown History


New developers of the old Vineyard Acres II subdivision in Edgartown have filed an application with the Edgartown zoning board of appeals to build a private 18-hole golf club on the site once planned for 148 houses.

Two Boston area businessmen and a Mississippi real estate developer have announced plans to build a private golf club on the former Vineyard Acres II property off the West Tisbury Road in Edgartown.

The would-be developers are Jay Swanson of Medfield, Owen Larkin of Boston and William Vandevender of Jackson, Miss. Their partnership is called Swanson Ventures L.L.C.

A prominent local conservation group and a national title insurance company are among an unusual array of parties who have now agreed to sell their land in the old Vineyard Acres II subdivision to a golf course developer, the Gazette has learned.

The family that plans to build a private championship caliber golf course along the shore of Edgartown Great Pond is fully aware that its plans will be examined with scrupulous care by Island environmentalists.


The Martha’s Vineyard Country Club, located in Oak Bluffs, has been sold by James A. Boyle of Vineyard Haven, to Richard D. Mansfield of the same town, transfers of the title having been effected this week.

Mr. Mansfield, best known as the proprietor of the Mink Meadows Golf Club at West Chop, told the Gazette that he is primarily interested in the motel on the property and the golf links, and that he hopes to lease the clubhouse. He plans no particular changes beyond a general cleaning up of the premises, and the operation of the various facilities will continue much as before.


They say that the beginnings of the game of golf are lost in history - but it’s not quite that bad on Martha’s Vineyard. Golf, as known to modern man, began here in the early nineties. How the Island had struggled along, no one can say, but it has not been without golf for any appreciable time since, and probably never will again.
Combining history with tradition - and there is fully as much of the former as of the latter in this review - the priority of golf on Martha’s Vineyard seems to line up as follows:
