Ten years ago, Anthony Piland Jr. was an aspiring pilot doing a student job shadow at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. This summer, he is flying into that same airport as a Republic Airways captain.
Seasonal service has resumed at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, nudging up traffic numbers that have lagged for more than a year, airport director Geoffrey Freeman said during a brief meeting of the airport commission Thursday.
A small private plane that departed from Martha’s Vineyard crashed outside the Worcester Regional Airport Tuesday afternoon. All three passengers and a dog survived, with help from teenage snowmobilers.
In a surprise turnaround, traffic coming to the Martha’s Vineyard Airport was up 16.2 per cent in October compared to October of 2019 — a stark contrast to past months which had seen precipitous plummets in airport business.
The Martha’s Vineyard Airport will receive $366,016 in grant money from the Federal Aviation Administration.
Some of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport’s largest commercial carriers are now delaying or curtailing their summer service to the Island.