After dozens of people were forced to sleep over at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport last month, the airport is asking airlines to consider the Island’s limited resources and accommodations when planning future flights.
About 40 people slept overnight on cots at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport this weekend after a pair of late flights were canceled. The makeshift shelter was coordinated by several Island officials.
Shortly before 11 a.m. Sunday a single-engine plane went down in an area about a mile west of Martha’s Vineyard Airport. The pilot, who was the only one on board, was uninjured during the emergency landing.
Randolph Bonnist, the 79-year-old man who had a medical emergency while flying the small private plane Saturday, died at Boston Medical Center on Thursday night.
The nonprofit, which has been providing medical flights for Islanders in need of critical care for decades, introduced its new Cessna Citation CJ4 airplane last month and it has already made six flights to the Vineyard.
The primary runway at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport was shut down Saturday afternoon after a plane crashed off the runway while attempting to land.