Tetra Tech outlines short and long-term solutions to the PFAS contamination at private wells south of the Martha's Vineyard Airport.
A consulting firm asked to evaluate the financial systems of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport has found a litany of issues with the airport’s reporting processes.
Airport commissioners this week sought to downplay plans for a major expansion of the airport, saying an upcoming environmental hearing is just the first step in a lengthy review and approval process.
A proposed $39.7 million redevelopment and expansion plan for the Martha’s Vineyard Airport will get its first public airing Wednesday.
Coast Guard officers, workers at the Martha’s Vineyard Airport and members of the Wampanoag tribe are all facing uncertainty over paychecks and funding.
PFAS contamination has been found in 13 private wells out of 96 that were tested south of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport, environmental consultants working for the airport have confirmed.