Justin Leblanc, 50, died in Tisbury in late December, according to police and court officials.
Luciano Deoliveira, 28, was indicted on Dec. 19 on two counts of aggravated rape of a child and several other charges.
Police rescued an unconscious 60-year-old woman from the back of an SUV that had overturned into the lake after hitting a telephone pole.
While the town attempts to recoup the money through insurance, town officials say they are planning a special town meeting article to transfer $332,000 to cover grant money lost in the cyber scam.
Officials say the town fell victim to a cyber scam connected to a wire transfer on August 16.
Firefighters responded to the corner of Kennebec avenue and Samoset avenue at 12:44 a.m. for a report of a Dodge Charger hitting a house, Oak Bluffs deputy fire Chief Stephen Foster said.