Oak Bluffs police and a state police detective unit are investigating a stabbing that occurred in Oak Bluffs late Sunday night, according to releases from both agencies.
Noah Asimow
Oak Bluffs police have charged a 16-year-old male from Connecticut in connection with a stabbing that occurred in Ocean Park on June 28. According to a press release Tuesday, the juvenile has been charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and assault with intent to murder.


Justin Leblanc, 50, died in Tisbury in late December, according to police and court officials.


Luciano Deoliveira, 28, was indicted on Dec. 19 on two counts of aggravated rape of a child and several other charges.

Police rescued an unconscious 60-year-old woman from the back of an SUV that had overturned into the lake after hitting a telephone pole.

While the town attempts to recoup the money through insurance, town officials say they are planning a special town meeting article to transfer $332,000 to cover grant money lost in the cyber scam.

Officials say the town fell victim to a cyber scam connected to a wire transfer on August 16.

Firefighters responded to the corner of Kennebec avenue and Samoset avenue at 12:44 a.m. for a report of a Dodge Charger hitting a house, Oak Bluffs deputy fire Chief Stephen Foster said.
