There were no obvious external wounds on the whale, which was found washed up on the island over the weekend.
There were no obvious external wounds on the whale, which was found washed up on the island over the weekend.
Gail Blout, who has served eight terms on the select board of the state’s smallest town, will not run for reelection at the May town meeting. Ms. Blout said she decided over a year ago it was time to let someone else take the reins.
MassDevelopment, a quasi-public agency focused on stimulating economic growth in the state, put out a request for proposals for the different parcels on the New Bedford state pier, including the spot used by the Cuttyhunk Ferry Company.
The smallest town in Massachusetts is looking for someone to take on a big role.
Voters in Gosnold, the state’s smallest town, approved key funding last week to build a fuel farm after going three years without a reliable fuel source.
A recent state Seaport Economic Council grant will give Cuttyhunk the ability to complete a permanent fuel farm facility so it no longer has to transport fuel from other communities, as it has for the past three years.