Edgartown’s venerable landmark hotel, the Harbor View Hotel, will close later this month for extensive renovations, probably not to reopen until late spring next year.

Work on the kitchen, restaurant and rooms is expected to cost around $25 million and be done by May. It is the first phase of a two-year, $77 million project to refurbish and expand the hotel, which first opened in 1891.


The Harbor View Hotel, a shingle-style turn-of-the-century hotel that graces the entrance to the Edgartown harbor at Starbuck's Neck, is set for sale to a Nantucket-based investment group, along with the Kelley House, an 18th century tavern that is now a pub and inn complex spanning Water and Dock streets.

The properties represent a significant piece of downtown real estate in Edgartown, as well as two of the best known resorts on the Vineyard.


Innkeeper Stephen Caliri chats about golden retrievers with his
guests in the parking lot of the Victorian Inn after directing them to
lemonade and cookies on the back patio. The cordless phone on his belt
rings, and Mr. Caliri begins rattling off room rates to a prospective
guest on the other end of the line. He even mentions the third-floor
mahogany deck he laid over the winter.


One of the best known traditions of the old Kelley House at Edgartown was its semi-annual entertainment of the Justice of the Superior Court and his suite on the occasion of the sittings of the court in and for the County of Dukes County at Edgartown. The sittings used to fall in April and September, and many stories are still told of Bill Kelley and how, on occasion, he took the judge on a tour of Chappaquiddick while the court stood in recess.
For many years the house opened in time for the spring sitting and closed after the fall sitting.


Sale of the Metropolitan Hotel property, Oak Bluffs, which was largely destroyed by fire some weeks ago, was announced on Tuesday by Rodney D. Marks, former owner, who said that the property has been purchased by Krikor (Jerry) Barmakian, former restaurant proprietor, also of Oak Bluffs. Mr. Barmakian left the Island on Tuesday morning, to be gone for several days, and thus cou1d not be located, but Mr.


Vale of Disappointments - so might be called the beautiful spot which is known by the name of Makoniky today, for nowhere on the Vineyard is any place where such a number of enterprises have been established only to fail.
