The Mansion House, Vineyard Haven, has been sold to George H. Heeley of Providence, R. I., through the real estate office of Henry V. Sanders of New Bedford.


Makoniky Inn, is the name of the new hotel to be erected on that portion of the Island locally known as Makoniky heights. The architects of this structure are Messrs. McKenzie & Smith of 50 Bromfield street, Boston.
The dimensions of the whole building is 96 1-2 feet in length, 63 feet wide at the dining room end and 37 feet at the side where the reception rooms are located. A piazza 10 feet in width extends nearly around the building.


We take pleasure in printing below a few particulars regarding the new hotel to be erected on Starbuck’s Bluff, Edgartown, the specifications calling for the building’s completion by May 15, 1891. Mr. Cummings, the well-known Troy (N.Y.) architect, drew the plans, and these and the specifications call for a structure which will be attractive, of first-class appointments, and built in the most thorough manner.


This commodious hotel is now open to the public. The proprietor, Mr. Joseph Kelley, is a gentleman every way worthy of the confidence of visitors, and one who will spare no pains to make his patrons comfortable, and so well pleased as to desire to prolong their stay. We trust the “Vineyard” may be prospered under this new administration.
