The state’s pending plan to clear 175 acres of white pine and other trees in the Manuel F. Correllus forest has earned the endorsement of a coalition of Island ecologists, fire chiefs and other conservation groups.
A proposal by the Department of Conservation and Recreation to remove an area of white pine trees from the state forest is facing pushback from local forestry experts.
The Smokey Bear sign on Barnes Road has switched from moderate to high.
Fears of wildfire, concerns about trail safety and anger over this summer’s unannounced destruction of a homeless camp were the top themes when Islanders spoke to Massachusetts officials in charge of the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest on Thursday night.
Islanders will have a chance to air their concerns about the management of the Manuel F. Correllus state forest next week when state officials hold a public meeting on the Vineyard.
Staff planner Dan Doyle told commissioners last week that an MVC-led task group has been meeting to develop improvement plans that take into account both the forest’s ecological health and the safety of human communities that surround and use it.