In a small room on the second floor of West Tisbury town hall this week, a crowd of maybe one actual spectator gathered to hear the latest on the state of play between the Davids of Martha’s Vineyard and the Goliath known as Comcast.

In a small room on the second floor of West Tisbury town hall this week, a crowd of maybe one actual spectator gathered to hear the latest on the state of play between the Davids of Martha’s Vineyard and the Goliath known as Comcast.
The new telephone building at Vineyard Haven, which is now nearing completion so far as the exterior is concerned, marks the passing of an epoch in the Island history of the telephone and the beginning of a new one.
With the completion of this building and the transfer of the offices and plant of the company to its new quarters, the common battery system will be put into operation in the towns of Vineyard Haven and Oak Bluffs, and all connections between the Vineyard Haven office and Boston will be by cable.
Telephone communication is now complete from Oak Bluffs via this village to Katama. The first message received at the office here was from an exasperated operator at the Bluffs who wanted to know, “Where in thunder are the Katama folks?”