Some of the Island’s most notorious stretches of asphalt are coming under scrutiny as Vineyard planners attempt to make roads safer. 


As August makes way to September and the Vineyard readies its goodbye to summer, businesses are reporting mixed results even though preliminary data show more traffic on roads, runways and ferries.

The Edgartown Select Board Monday approved a plan to renovate a section of Peases Point Way and Church street in an attempt to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

The town, in partnership with the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center, will create a larger underground basin to allow better water flow out to the sea. Work could start later this year. 


The Oak Bluffs project is meant to upgrade the regularly-congested area near where the Patriot and Island Queen ferries dock by building a roundabout, reconfiguring parking spots and establishing larger pedestrian walkways.

Traffic along Beach Road was being detoured Friday afternoon because the Lagoon Pond drawbridge was stuck in the open position.
