Alison L. Mead
Lynn Thorp is the energy behind MV Signs: Then and Now, an endeavor to revive Martha’s Vineyard sign language used from the 17th to 19th century.
Mary Jane Carpenter
One of the more interesting houses up-Island is 231 State Road in Chilmark. It is an unusual house for Chilmark: a Queen Anne style Victorian, painted yellow, with a turret.
David Corr
Chilmark fishermen Christopher Murphy approached medical anthropologist Nora Groce after her delivery of the last Nathan Mayhew Seminars lecture of the summer Thursday night, and recalled a remna
Joseph Chase Allen
There were several deaf-and-dumb persons, as deaf-mutes were called, living in the Island towns.
Vineyard Gazette
Just a few issues back, this column carried the biographical sketch of Joseph West of Chilmark, who is a deaf mute. This present article contains a similar sketch of his sister, Mrs.
Vineyard Gazette
This is the story of one who has lived always in the eternal silence, nearly three-quarters of a century without ever hearing the sound of human voice or the song of a bird, and who has never bee
Vineyard Gazette
The death of Alexander Graham Bell arouses renewed interest in the great inventor’s connection with Martha’s Vineyard.
Vineyard Gazette
In an interview with Mr. Frank Z.
Vineyard Gazette
Mr. Editor: - Your readers are frequently interested and edified by communications from Western and Southern cities, and occasionally from a native of our own city who for some time resided in the south-eastern part of this Island; But I do not remember of their ever being favored by one from that pleasant, social portion of this “Sea girt Isle,” incorporated “Tisbury,” but more familiarly known to the seafaring class of community as “Holmes’ Hole.”
Vineyard Gazette
It was the Rev.