Perched on a hillside in Menemsha is the watch room. Radios are monitored on various channels including channel 16 which is used for distress, safety and calling by those qualified to verbally assist in what can be stressful situations.
Abel’s Hill Cemetery is peaceful and beautiful at all times of the year provided we all remember to take care of the plots where our loved ones are laid to rest.
On May 21 the Island witnessed the first annual MVRHS community service Give Back Day.
Commencement is simply defined as a beginning or a start. In simple terms, a commencement ceremony marks that defining moment when a student emerges from academic adventure and into the professional world.
After 30 years, yes, three decades, the Osprey pole on Osprey Lane has been turned into a home.
Each May I find myself humming or singing the Ed Haley tune Fountain in the Park all because it makes me chuckle to recite the line “All in the merry month of May.”
May Day — brightly colored ribbons twirling around the May Pole in the hands of the fourth and fifth grade Chilmark School students is a long standing tradition that will take place in front of the Chilmark School at 9 a.m. on May 1.
With a chorus of pinkletinks, the burst of color by the forsythia and daffodils, osprey aeronautical shows and the smell of burning brush, you can nearly proclaim that spring is here
On this Friday the thirteenth, our students will be closing their books, logging off their computers and taking a break from their studies this upcoming week.