Bunch of Grapes Turns the Page, Will Move to Bowl and Board

The Bunch of Grapes, the landmark Vineyard Haven bookstore that has been the go-to place for Islanders and summer visitors alike — including sitting U.S. presidents — to buy their books for more than 40 years, will relocate, owner Dawn Braasch announced last week.

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News Update: Saturday, April 7 - Bunch of Grapes Will Relocate

The Bunch of Grapes, the landmark Vineyard Haven bookstore that has been the go-to place for Islanders and summer visitors alike — including sitting U.S. presidents — to buy their books for more than 40 years, will relocate, owner Dawn Braasch said.

Ms. Braasch has signed a lease with the Hall family to take over the Bowl and Board building across the street from the bookstore. The move will be complete by Memorial Day or at the latest mid-June, she said.

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Island Conservation Leaders Look to Future

The place names are familiar and unchanging: Wasque, Cape Pogue and Long Point, Herring Creek Farm, Cedar Tree Neck and Fulling Mill Brook, Waskosim’s Rock and Pecoy Point, to name a few.

But the people who admire, use and could potentially contribute to the thousands of acres of land in conservation on the Vineyard have changed, and Island conservation leaders say this is what frames their biggest challenge today.

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Tisbury's Denial of Lagoon Pier Upheld by Superior Court Judge

A Tisbury homeowner’s effort to build a 100-foot private pier in the Lagoon Pond has been rebuffed again by a superior court judge.

The ruling in a dispute that has been going on for five years is seen as a victory for the town’s ability to impose environmental restrictions that are stricter than those established by the state.

The case involved a challenge to the Tisbury wetlands protection bylaw that was designed, among other things, to protect valuable shellfish resources in town waters.

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