Tiny Buds

The snow is gone, temperatures are rising, shrubs and trees are showing tiny buds and folks seem very happy.

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Frozen Footsteps

It's for a short period of time that I enjoy snow.

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All Seems Right

I do love a good snowstorm. Everything is so pretty.

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Mouths of Babes

Sometime during the more than two weeks of cloudy, dreary weather, Zappa — my five-year-old great-grandson — said, "Mame, didn't the sky used to be blue?"

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At an Impasse

It's a good thing I do not have seasonal affective disorder.

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Stating the Obvious

For several years now I have noted the effects of climate change on the Vineyard and, more specifically, on my own gardens.

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Wild Weather Week

Even though we should have known better, Violet and I drove through Five Corners.

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Sideways Snowfall

On Sunday in the late morning, Violet and I took a drive along State Beach.

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Welcome Relief

I must say: Tuesday's cloudless, sunny day was a welcome relief to greet the brand-new year.

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Last Summer's Garden

The weather is warm and foggy and lends itself to a lazy day.

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