The back road between Edgartown and Vineyard Haven seemed to have weathered the storm pretty well, bordered by sturdy scrub oak. However, as the road...
The runic rock of Noman’s Land was discovered and identified beyond doubt by the weekend expedition led by Curtiss Bacon, lawyer and visitor to the...
Camp Winnecunnet, the Y.W.C.A. camp on West Chop road, Vineyard Haven, has been sold this week to Miss Kathleen Hinni, representing the School of...
Eastville was the first populated area within the present town of Oak Bluffs. A map of 1781 showed thirty-two houses in the general region, most of...
When the Great Harbour Inn opened in Edgartown this spring, early guests and staff members had several surprises in the form of improvements in the...
The three year joint federal-state study of the striped bass populations in Massachusetts waters will start later this month, according to Fran­cis W...
The game with Nantucket on Saturday turned out to be one of the roughest that the Martha’s Vineyard footballers have encountered.
The debut of the first Vineyard football team, under the guidance of Coaches John Kelley, Daniel McCar­thy and Stanley Whitman, will take place...
The driveways and barns and garages, the stairways and trees of the Whitney estate at West Chop have, for the past several years, been the scene of a...
Members of Bradley Memorial Church, Oak Blufs, are greatly distressed over the report which has circulated to the effect that their church building...
There is a “For Sale” sign on the boat shop of Manuel S. Roberts at the head of the town wharf in Edgartown, a sign indicating that the historic...
A new fireproof building to house the priceless records and collections of the Dukes County Historical Society is to be built on the land on School...
