The house (formerly known as the Norton House) having been leased by Mr. L. S. Roberts of Boston and thoroughly refitted, and newly furnished, in a...
The camp ground upon Martha’s Vineyard, heretofore leased by the Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, has been purchased by that body for the sum of $...
President Johnson recently remarks: - “Mercy has been slain. Let us now take care that Justice is not slain also.”  
Since our last issue many stirring events have transpired.
Our little boat has now been performing duty upon her route for one week, and we can confidently state that the public, generally, are satisfied with...
“There is a point beyond which forbearance ceases to be a virtue,” and we think the people of Martha’s Vineyard have, long since, exceeded that point.
The Anti-Slavery Amendment to the Constitution, passed the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, on Tuesday last. As the resolution...
The approaching campaign at Wesleyan Grove is so full of matters of interest to readers far and near that we are induced to publish a daily paper, to...
A new town has been added to Dukes County; the act establishing the town of Gosnold, embracing the Elizabeth Islands, heretofore a part of Chilmark,...
The seventeenth volume of the Gazette closed with its last issue, and to-day it enters upon a new year with a new editor and proprietor. The...
The London Shipping Gazette of Sept. 27, contains the following report made by the British ship Cairngorm, at London from Sydney:  
The Selectmen of this town have granted a license to Mr. Peter West to plant, grow and dig oysters, in a certain part of Squash Meadow Pond, for 20...
