The Baptist Pavilion, at Vineyard Highlands, will seat from 2,500 to 3,000 persons. The Vineyard Baptist Association has purchased a lot of the...
Work on the Baptist Tabernacle is progressing rapidly, under the superintendence of the contractor, Mr. Tilly, of Hyde Park, Mass.
August 18, 1876 Whaleboat Race headline
Oak Bluffs, Aug. 11, 1876
The first introduction of Methodism on this island was subsequent to the Revolutionary war. The Baptists then had a flourishing society, chiefly...
President Grant and his wife had a reception at the Sea View House on Saturday evening last, which was a most fitting close to the festivities on the...
All difficulties have at last been overcome, and the iron horse now speeds from Oak Bluffs to Katama and returns with the swiftness of the wind.
Today has been a notable day in the history of Martha’s Vineyard. The President of the Republic has landed upon our shore, has partaken of our...
Martha’s Vineyard, Aug. 24th, 1874: [Correspondence of the Gazette]
On the afternoon of Saturday last the Island Home was described coming down the bay toward Katama, bearing on her gangway an object which for some...
Dacey Brothers, of Neponset, have taken the contract to build the railroad. They are under bonds to have the road completed and ready for the rolling...
“To be or not to be” - stock or no stock - railroad or no railroad - was the principal question before the community last Saturday, and the town and...
At a meeting of the associate subscribers to stock to form a corporation, to be called the Martha’s Vineyard Railroad Company, Feb. 24, 1874, Samuel...
