Capt. Ellsworth Luce West, last of the Vineyard whaling captains, died at his home on the Middle Road, Chilmark, on Sunday nigh, following some...
A few summers ago the Vineyard, and particularly Oak Bluffs, was host to one of the most notable figures in the world of exploration, Matthew A....
A new Linotype bearing the technical name of Blue Streak Master Model 31 was erected in the office of the Vineyard Gazette last week, a mechanical...
Although the officials of the Martha’s Vineyard Cooperative Bank decline to be quoted now, the story that the institution is on the point of moving...
Passers-by on Davis Lane, Edgartown, who think they hear bells, probably do. Although a casual glance will fail to disclose their presence, their...
The old house on Main street, Edgartown, which has been referred to as the Edson house, has received an official and appropriate christening.
The county commissioners have signed a twenty-year lease for the operation of the Martha’s Vineyard Airport. The decision to do so was announced by S...
A new metal hangar is under construction at the Edgartown Airport. The building will be 40 by 50 feet, with a steel roof, and asphalt flooring. It...
Dorothy West will soon have the once in a life time thrill of seeing her first novel come out in print. The book was written at Oak Bluffs where Miss...
Most city dwellers take zoning as a matter of course.
Albert Brazis, a friendly and good-natured representative of the Mergenthaler Linotype Co., has been with the Gazette gang this week, engaged in the...
The bluefish run once more. After many years absence, and seasons when the species had been scarce, the great schools of which oldtimers told, have...
