Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Sept. 14 6:20 6:53

Sat., Sept. 15 6:21 6:51

Sun., Sept. 16 6:22 6:49

Mon., Sept. 17 6:23 6:48

Tues., Sept. 18 6:24 6:46

Wed., Sept. 19 6:25 6:44

Thurs., Sept. 20 6:26 6:43

Fri., Sept. 21 6:27 6:41

Tonight after sunset, the thin crescent moon hangs low in the southwestern sky. The moon is moving from the zodiacal constellation Virgo to Libra.

On Monday night the crescent moon appears under the bright planet Jupiter. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius and separated by a bright red star, Antares. Antares is the principal star in Scorpius and appears between the two. Other than the moon, Jupiter is the brightest celestial object in our night sky.

The moon reaches first quarter phase on Tuesday and appears low in the southern sky in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius.

The red planet Mars rises in the eastern sky before midnight. The planet is in the zodiacal constellation Taurus. Mars is an impressive sight, a good deal brighter than it was during the summer. Mars will continue to brighten through the end of the year.

Venus is a spectacle low in the southeastern sky before sunrise. The planet appears close by to the planet Saturn. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Leo.

Saturn is nowhere near as bright as Venus. Astronomers estimate that Venus is 33 million miles away from the Earth. Saturn is at least 930 million miles away. Venus is moving away from the Earth, while Saturn is getting closer.
