Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Oct. 5 6:42 6:17

Sat., Oct. 6 6:43 6:15

Sun., Oct. 7 6:44 6:13

Mon., Oct. 8 6:45 6:12

Tues., Oct. 9 6:46 6:10

Wed., Oct. 10 6:47 6:09

Thurs., Oct. 11 6:48 6:07

Fri., Oct. 12 6:49 6:05

A thin crescent moon appears tomorrow morning right above two planets. The moon is right above Venus, the brightest “star” in the East. The ringed-planet Saturn appears underneath Venus. The assembly of three celestial objects will be an impressive sight.

On Sunday morning the scene is even better. The moon appears between the two planets and closest to Saturn. All three are in the zodiacal constellation Leo.

On Monday morning the moon is even closer to the horizon and barely visible in the glare of the rising sun. New Moon is on Wednesday.

Jupiter and Mars

The evening planets are Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter appears low in the southwestern sky before sunset. Jupiter is an easy planet to spot, floating amid the stars of the zodiacal constellation Scorpius. A nearby red star is Antares.

The red planet Mars rises in the east well after Jupiter has set in the west. Mars is in the zodiacal constellation Gemini.

Milky Way

Go outside at about 9 p.m. and look upwards and the Milky Way is overhead. Give your eyes some time to adjust to the night sky for the best view. The Milky Way starts at the horizon in the northeastern sky, extend overhead and sets in the southwestern sky. The brightest star in the night, Vega, appears overhead, slightly to the west of Zenith.
