Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Nov. 2 7:14 5:35
Sat., Nov. 3 7:15 5:34
Sun., Nov. 4 6:16 4:33
Mon., Nov. 5 6:18 4:31
Tues., Nov. 6 6:19 4:30
Wed., Nov. 7 6:20 4:29
Thurs., Nov. 8 6:21 4:28
Fri., Nov. 9 6:23 4:27
The moon passes by three planets in the week ahead, the first tomorrow morning.
A thin crescent moon appears close to the ringed planet Saturn prior to sunrise tomorrow morning. The two are only a few degrees apart, and will be an impressive sight. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Leo.
On Monday morning, the moon appears next to the brilliant planet Venus. Look an hour prior to sunrise. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.
On Wednesday morning, the moon is even closer to the horizon and in proximity to Mercury, the most elusive of visible planets. Mercury is always tough to spot, for it is near the glare of the rising sun or at other times the setting sun. Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. The planet’s orbit around the sun takes only 88 days, so the chance to view this planet before it drops below the horizon is fleeting. Mercury is visible the first couple of days this month.
Only those with a clear view of the eastern sky will spot Mercury to the left of the moon. Mercury is also close to the bright star Spica, the principal star in Virgo. All three are in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.
Standard Time
Daylight Saving Time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday. Clocks should be rolled back one hour by Sunday morning. Once clocks are adjusted, darkness arrives an hour earlier.
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