In the continuing saga of How the Rooster Crows, I must say that I haven’t seen my little red rooster, whom I named Fred, for five days. I’m worried about him. Elisha and Denise Smith, my favorite farmers, tried to catch him to bring him up to their farm but he eluded them. Meanwhile, I cannot get the Stones song about the rooster out of my head. It’s getting colder and I’m worried about Fred. Have any of you seen him? My neighbors, Charlie and Becky, say they the last time they saw him he had hooked up with our flock of wild turkeys, which I fear will produce an identity crisis of some proportion. And my irrepressible neighbor, Bill Little, said he saw Fred running down the road one very cold day with a “cape on.” Call me with clues.
Congratulations to the team. We kept the Island Cup and defeated Nantucket handily. The cheerleaders did their usual stupendous work. Same time, next year.
The weather was so beautiful last Sunday. Thank goodness because our Island Rotary Club was able to meet at Owen Park and plant 1,000 daffodil bulbs. Something to look forward to next spring.
If Fred, my rooster, shows up, I’m taking him to photo day with Santa in his sleigh tomorrow at the MSPCA from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The dogs and cat will accompany us. For $15 per photo, you can have a memory or a Christmas card of your favorite feathered and furry friends. There will be a tree lighting, Paws to Remember, and you may purchase a bulb and dedicate it for one of your loyal companions. Refreshments? Of course, and much more. See you there.
But first I’ll see you at our Legion Post 257 on Marvin Road for the annual auxiliary holiday bazaar, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Admission is free. There will be gift baskets, baked goods and many items for sale as well as a silent auction and raffle.
While you’re in shopping mode, take note of Peacecraft, open this holiday season at 18 State Road, just below the Belushi-Pisano Gallery. I have watched this nonprofit bloom over the past few years. Many lovely items are available and all proceeds are for worthy causes.
Don’t forget yourself and your family as the most worthy cause this season. Laura Barbera is here to help you celebrate yourself. I had the pleasure of dining at Nicky’s Italian Cafe last Friday night with Bob and Elaine Klein. The Kleins were up from New York and bubbling about their newest grandson in California. Unfortunately, none of us had grandchildren photos to show because we are all of the benighted generation that doesn’t understand how to download them from the computer, which is how our much more savvy children send them to us.
In any case, as we were leaving Nicky’s, we found Laura busily wrapping beautiful bottles of the fabulous dipping oils they put on the table to go with your bread. Laura has two varieties for sale: dipping oil and dried herbs, and a hot and spicy variety, which gets my vote. Perfect gifts for teachers, babysitters, relatives and all our friends who have everything. I could drink a bottle as is. Son Nicky, for whom the cafe is named, is winging his way back from California and should be on Island in time to help for the holiday season. Stop by and say hi.
Report from Iraq: my son Chris Clark called last Thursday morning but the connection was bad. I could also tell he was chewing, which didn’t help. “Tell Betty Burton this is the best beef jerky I ever had!” he said enthusiastically as he chomped and chomped. There you have it, Betty. He enjoyed his Thanksgiving beef jerky, but I know they were served turkey and all the fixings as well.
Storytime at the library on Tuesday, Dec. 4 offers a car theme for infants to 2 years old at 10 a.m.; the same program will be held for 3 to 5-year-olds at 11 a.m. On Thursday, Dec. 6 ages 6 to 10 enjoy stories and crafts at 3:30 p.m. Oh, to be a kid again!
Blame It On Fidel is a thoughtful and humorous peek at a Parisian girl’s radical activism. Our film society offers this 2007 film tomorrow night at 7:30 p.m. at the Katharine Cornell Theatre.
Get well bouquets go out to mother and child, Tamma Cimeno and Amber Willoughby, who both broke the same arm in the same place. How’s that for family togetherness?
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Marcia Cunningham today. Tomorrow belongs to Becca Dunham. Dec. 2 is shared by Allison Silva, Lucy DiTerlizzi and Mitch Wertlieb. Dec. 4 is a party for Melanie Godek, Travis Gramkowski and Beth McCormick. Dec. 5 is shared by Paresa Paiva and Mark Zajackowski. And on Dec. 6 Emily Diamond, Kevin Sullivan, Elise Thomas and Robert MacKay Sr. take the cake. Many happy returns.
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