Sunrise Sunset

Fri., April 11 6:08 7:17

Sat., April 12 6:07 7:18

Sun., April 13 6:05 7:19

Mon., April 14 6:03 7:20

Tues., April 15 6:02 7:21

Wed., April 16 6:00 7:22

Thurs., April 17 5:59 7:24

Fri., April 18 5:57 7:25

The moon and Mars appear as a pair tonight. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Gemini. Mars is a dull reddish color and appears to the right of the moon.

The moon is first quarter tomorrow night.

The gibbous moon appears near the bright planet Saturn on Tuesday night. The two are in the zodiacal constellation Leo.

The ringed planet Saturn is in close proximity to the bright star Regulus. Saturn and Regulus are only two degrees apart.

The movement of the planets, especially Saturn, is slow and tedious. It takes two years for the planet to move from one constellation in the zodiac to another. But if you watch Saturn in the month ahead, you’ll see Saturn move away from the bright principal star in Leo. Astronomers also note that Saturn will appear to brighten in the weeks ahead as the rings on the planet tilt for more favorable viewing.

A 60-power telescope is all that is needed to see the planet’s enormous rings.

The solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, rises in the southeastern sky after midnight. For those up that late at night, Jupiter arrives like a beacon in the sky. The planet is now the brightest planet in our sky. Venus is hiding within the glare of the rising sun and won’t reappear until later in the summer.
