Sunrise Sunset
Fri., May 16 6:00 7:22
Sat., May 17 5:59 7:24
Sun., May 18 5:57 7:25
Mon., May 19 5:56 7:26
Tues., May 20 5:54 7:27
Wed., May 21 5:53 7:28
Thurs., May 22 5:51 7:29
Fri., May 23 5:50 7:30
Called the Flower Moon, Monday night’s full moon resides in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius. The moon is one of the southernmost full moons of the year. The moon hangs low in the southern sky all night and is in the zodiacal constellation Scorpius.
On Tuesday night, the one-day-old full moon appears in close proximity to the bright red star Antares in Scorpius. Antares is one of the largest stars visible in our night sky. If Antares were to replace our sun, the earth’s orbit would be within the huge star. Antares is 600 light years away. Antares is one of the more distant stars a viewer can see late at night.
In the coming week, the moon advances and moves up alongside Jupiter. Jupiter is to the east of the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius. The two rise late at night.
Mars and Saturn
The evening planets Mars and Saturn are high in our western sky after sunset. Mars is in the zodiacal constellation Cancer and fairly close to the brighter planet Saturn. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Leo. The two planets are distinctly different. Mars is dull red and Saturn has a yellowish tint.
Saturn is the best sight to see through either a telescope or a powerful pair of binoculars. Even with a steady pair of high-powered binoculars an observer can note the wide rings of the bright planet.
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