Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 4 5:12 8:19
Sat., July 5 5:12 8:19
Sun., July 6 5:13 8:18
Mon., July 7 5:14 8:18
Tues., July 8 5:14 8:18
Wed., July 9 5:15 8:17
Thurs., July 10 5:16 8:17
Fri., July 11 5:16 8:16
After tonight’s fireworks, there is still plenty to see in the night. The planets Saturn and Mars are a close couple in the western sky. Mars is a dull red and it appears right below the yellow ringed-planet Saturn. Both are in the zodiacal constellation Leo and they are the two brightest objects in the western sky. The constellation’s brightest star Regulus appears under the two planets.
The sky is more impressive tomorrow night, when the thin crescent moon appears nearby. The line of planets and the star Regulus is even better with the addition of the moon.
On Sunday night, the moon appears right beneath the two planets, forming an attractive scalene triangle.
As the nights advance, the moon will slip away. Mars will appear closer to Saturn. The two next week are less than a degree apart,
The movement of Mars eastward towards Saturn can be watched nightly. The two are closest together on Thursday night. From then on Mars appears to pass by and away from Saturn.
Jupiter, the largest planet in our evening sky, is in opposition on Thursday night. The planet rises in the eastern sky after the sun sets.
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