Sunrise Sunset
Fri., July 18 5:22 8:12
Sat., July 19 5:23 8:11
Sun., July 20 5:24 8:11
Mon., July 21 5:24 8:10
Tues., July 22 5:25 8:09
Wed., July 23 5:26 8:08
Thurs., July 24 5:27 8:07
Fri., July 25 5:28 8:06
Tonight’s full moon resides in the zodiacal constellation Sagittarius and has a companion. The bright planet Jupiter is nearby. The two are a handsome pair and shine together through the night in the southern sky. For those venturing to South Beach, the two celestial objects will hang together, making the water sparkle underneath.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac calls this full moon the Buck moon. As with all full moons, this one rises in the east as the sun sets in the west. A full moon and sun are at opposites. Tomorrow morning as the moon sets in the west, the sun rises in the east.
Mars and Saturn are still close together in the coming week. The red planet Mars is higher in the sky than Saturn. Mars is a dull reddish color and Saturn has a tint of yellow.
Jupiter is low in the eastern sky an hour after sunset. The planet gets higher as the evening progresses. A nighttime astronomer can count three planets in the evening sky. Later this month, the number jumps to four, when Venus appears low in the southwestern sky after sunset.
Planet watching gets better later this summer, when Venus hangs more prominently in the southwestern sky after sunset. Venus is the brightest visible planet, if we don’t count seeing the Earth under our feet.
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