Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Oct. 10 6:47 6:09

Sat., Oct. 11 6:48 6:07

Sun., Oct. 12 6:49 6:05

Mon., Oct. 13 6:51 6:04

Tues., Oct. 14 6:52 6:02

Wed., Oct. 15 6:53 6:01

Thurs., Oct. 16 6:54 5:59

Fri., Oct. 17 6:55 5:57

Tonight’s gibbous moon hovers in the southeastern sky early in the evening. The moon is in the zodiacal constellation Capricornus. Farther south and slightly to the west there is the bright planet Jupiter.

For those with a view of the horizon in the western sky there is the planet Venus.

The moon is full on Wednesday night. The moon resides in the zodiacal constellation Pisces and is called Hunter’s Moon.

The ringed planet Saturn rises in the eastern sky in the early morning, an hour or more before the sun.

September Rainfall

So far September is this year’s wettest month. A total of 6.89 inches of rain fell during the month at the National Weather Service cooperative station in Edgartown. Take all that rainfall and add it to the rest, and it looks as if we have had an average year. The total rainfall for the year is 33.12 inches, or half an inch below the annual average. Not bad, when considering how frequently rain fell during the summer. It was not a wet summer. Rainfall was below average for the summer but it came frequently enough to make this one of the best seasons for native mushrooms.

The Island is well below the average for snowfall and there is no chance we will catch up. The total snowfall for the year was 7.90 inches, or 12.6 inches below the average of 20.5.
