Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Oct. 17 6:55 5:57
Sat., Oct. 18 6:56 5:56
Sun., Oct. 19 6:57 5:54
Mon., Oct. 20 6:59 5:53
Tues., Oct. 21 7:00 5:51
Wed., Oct. 22 7:01 5:50
Thurs., Oct. 23 7:02 5:48
Fri., Oct. 124 7:03 5:47
The last quarter moon will interfere with observing the Orionid meteor shower on Tuesday morning, but there may be a few to be seen before moonrise. Meteors, often referred to as shooting stars, will appear to come from the rising constellation Orion, which is low in the southeast late at night.
The bright glare of the moon and meteor showers don’t mix well. Spotting faint meteors is difficult as the sky is so bright from our nearest celestial neighbor.
The last quarter moon rises in the eastern sky at midnight and will dominate the sky through the morning hours, so earlier viewing will likely be a better time. Viewing can be done Sunday night through Wednesday night, though the best of show will be Monday night through Tuesday morning.
Orionid meteors are particles and debris left over from Halley’s Comet and are not at all connected to the constellation Orion. Early astronomers gave the name to the shower, thinking the meteors come from the constellation. It was only later that astronomers found out the true nature of the meteors.
Mercury and Saturn
Mercury and Saturn appear low in the southeastern sky prior to sunrise. Saturn is the brighter of the two and appears higher. Mercury is amid the glare of dawn. Mercury is in the zodiacal constellation Virgo.
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