There will be little change in the tribal council makeup at the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) as a result of elections, held Sunday, in which three incumbents prevailed.
Richard Randolph will remain vice chairman of the tribal council, trouncing challenger Shelley Carter with approximately 70 per cent of the vote.
Stephanie White retained her position as treasurer, beating back Wenonah Madison. Incumbent Tobias Vanderhoop, also tribal administrator, held his seat on the Aquinnah cultural center board of directors and was joined by write-in candidates Beverly Wright and Faith Vanderhoop.
Due to the ill health of chief Ryan Malonson who managed the official results of Sunday’s election, complete details on the turnout and election are not yet available.
Tribal chairman Cheryl Andrews-Maltais called on voters to maintain the status quo in a letter published in a recent edition of the monthly tribe newsletter Toad Rock Times.
“Since assuming my duties as chairwoman, we have gone through two tribal council regulations and some new appointments. What I would ask of the membership is an opportunity to keep the tribal council as it is.” she wrote, “I’m asking for some time to see if and how we can work together.”
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