Sunrise Sunset
Fri., Dec. 5 6:52 4:11
Sat., Dec. 6 6:53 4:11
Sun., Dec. 7 6:54 4:11
Mon., Dec. 8 6:55 4:11
Tues., Dec. 9 6:56 4:11
Wed., Dec. 10 6:57 4:11
Thurs., Dec. 11 6:58 4:11
Fri., Dec. 12 6:59 4:11
The performance of the crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter drew a lot of attention on Monday night. The three celestial objects formed a perfect triangle, close together, high in the western sky after sunset. Anyone outside couldn’t miss the show as it lasted until all three set in the west. Venus is brighter than Jupiter.
The show continues, though different through December.
Venus and Jupiter remain in the western sky and will continue to appear close together. Venus is beneath Jupiter, though in the nights ahead Venus will appear to move above Jupiter.
The moon is in the first quarter phase tonight and is almost near the zenith.
Take a look Wednesday night, when the moon passes in front of the star cluster Pleiades in the constellation Taurus. The Pleiades is a tight collection of stars, a cluster of jewels in the night sky also called the Seven Sisters, though there are lot more stars than seven. The star cluster is over 420 light years away. A pair of binoculars improves the view. The moon is quite bright and it is easy to miss seeing the nearby star cluster.
The ringed-planet Saturn is moving into our night sky. The bright planet rises in the east around midnight and gains height through the morning. Saturn is in the zodiacal constellation Leo, where it has been for two years. The planet is edging near the constellation Pisces. M.A.L.
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