In celebration of the 250th anniversary of the birth of the poet Robert Burns, the Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard will hold its annual Burns Nicht Supper on Saturday, Jan. 24, at the Harbor View Hotel. Burns was a prolific writer of poems and songs, as well as a bon vivant of some repute in his native Scotland. Although he lived only 37 years, the so-called Bard of Ayreshire penned or adapted over one thousand songs and wrote uncounted poems, among them the well-beloved A Red Red Rose, and To A Mouse. Singing Auld Lang Syne, his song celebrating friendship, has long been a New Year’s tradition around the world.
For more than 12 years the Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard has honored Burns’ memory with an evening of poetry, song, bagpiping and great food. As part of the tradition, glasses are raised to The Immortal Memory. This year’s toast to Robert Burns will be given by Dr. Gerry Yukevich.
The evening also benefits the Scholarship Fund of the society with a raffle and auction held during the evening. Each year two high school graduates receive a scholarship from the Scottish Society.
Festivities get underway with cocktails at 6 p.m.; dinner at 7 p.m. Highland dress is recommended. You don’t have to be Scottish, or a member of the society to attend. Tickets are $50 for members and $55 for nonmembers. Please make reservations before Tuesday, Jan. 20; call Cynthia Robinson, 508-955-9024 or e-mail
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