Sunrise Sunset

Fri., Feb. 6 6:48 5:03

Sat., Feb. 7 6:47 5:04

Sun., Feb. 8 6:46 5:05

Mon., Feb. 9 6:45 5:07

Tues., Feb. 10 6:44 5:08

Wed., Feb. 11 6:42 5:09

Thurs., Feb. 12 6:41 5:10

Fri., Feb. 13 6:40 5:12

Next Monday night’s Snow Moon, a full moon, appears in the zodiacal constellation Cancer, a constellation we associate with spring. Though snow was in the air this week, spring isn’t that far away. More stars of spring start showing up late in the evening, after 11 p.m.

Spring constellations include Leo, the lion, Virgo and Bootes, the shepherd.

Ursa Major, more commonly named The Big Dipper is high in the sky around 11 p.m. Look towards the northwest and then look up. The dipper is high and prominent.

Venus and Saturn

The bright planet in the western sky getting all the attention these nights is Venus. Venus is in ideal position for anyone wanting to look. It doesn’t get much brighter than it is now. Venus is half way between us and the sun. The sun is 93 million miles away. Venus is getting closer. Enjoy, for its prominence will not last. The movement of this planet amid the stars is more apparent. In the weeks ahead, Venus appears lower and lower in the west after sunset. By the end of March, it will be gone, shifting into the morning sky.

The ringed planet Saturn rises in the eastern sky well before midnight. The planet is ideally placed for those with telescopes. Wait until around midnight and the planet is high in the east. The rings of Saturn are pointing towards the earth and are almost on edge.
