The weekend did not feel much like spring because of the strong wind. The Sunday special for gasoline is gone until winter. We had a fair amount of rain and lightning last Friday and again on Monday afternoon. Today is Good Friday and the Holy Week draws to a close with Easter celebrated on Sunday.
Marian Irving of Old County Road reports that the Easter sunrise event will be held at Ann Nelson’s home — the driveway is across from Polly Hill. There will also be services at 9 and 11 a.m. in the church. At the 9 a.m. service the Sunday school children will participate in the annual Easter egg hunt.
Next week will be busy with the annual town meeting and election.
Muriel Bye, election warden, reports that all will be ready at the polls in the public safety building on Thursday. Polls will be open from noon until 8 p.m.
Henry and Louise Bessire of New York city arrived last weekend to open their home for the season.
Deborah Pigeon reports that in mid March she flew to Capetown, South Africa to join two NFL football coaches and their guide to ride motorcycles from Capetown to Johannesburg a distance of 2,200 miles. They all sat atop motorcycles, called motorbikes down there, at Cape L’Agulhas, the southernmost point of the African continent, where the Indian and Atlantic oceans meet. They saw a penguin colony and drove through Kruger Park, the largest animal reserve in the world, where they saw elephants, rhinos, hippos, wildebeests, buffalo, giraffes and warthogs all in their natural habitat. They stayed in a small bed and breakfast which came complete with a rickety bridge in Tarzan-type territory. They flew over giraffes and mountains in a balloon and when the clouds got thick and they flew above them. The highlight of the visit was stopping at a school where children swarmed around ready to have their pictures taken and who, despite their poverty, laughed when they saw themselves in the camera screens. She returned home last weekend.
Tom Hodgson and Christine Gault of Wishetwurra Farm on Tiasquam Road announced their new rabbit-raising venture last week. They have made arrangements for special breeding stock of hybrid European/Chinese rabbits, a new development in the world of rabbit raising. They have hired Constantine Cohen as their advisor and foreman, who will oversee the conversion of the old sign shop into a rabbitry. They anticipate sufficient production this summer to be able to sell modest quantities at the August farmers’ market.
Marsha Curtis over at the school reports the student council will be bringing donations and a check to the Pine Street Inn homeless shelter in Boston on Monday. They are seeking the following donations: toiletries, umbrellas and gently used or new games that appeal to adults (playing cards, chess, checkers, etc.). They have had fund-raisers and raised $717 so far. Last year we gave them a check for $1,200, so monetary donations would be great as well. Call 696-7738, extension 124.
Gloria Sylva over at the school reports there will be noon dismissal of students on Tuesday and for grades 6, 7 and 8 only on Thursday. This is for parent-teacher conferences.
Doug Kent is showing a group of paintings at the Patricia Cloutier Gallery in Tequesta, Fla. until April 22.
Eileen Maley reports that Mimi Gibbon of Lambert’s Cove died suddenly and unexpectedly in Tunisia a couple of weeks ago while touring in North Africa with her companion Jerry Gratch. Mimi spent summers at her home near the Lambert’s Cove Inn for about the past 30 years. She is survived by three sons, Andrew and Max Harless, and Jesse Gibbon, as well as Mr. Gratch and many friends on the Vineyard, in New York and Westchester County.
Elaine Pace wants year-round Vineyarders to know that early bird subscriptions are on sale at nearly half price for chamber music concerts. Subscription order forms are available at the library and Howes House. Or call Kathy Retmier at 508-696-8055 or Elaine at 508-696-3796. Concerts are on Monday nights at the Old Whaling Church and on Tuesday nights at the Chilmark Community Center.
Val Estabrook returned home last week from a three-week trip to sunny California. She reports having a glorious time visiting her sister and her three nieces. She painted three plein air works while in Los Angeles, which will show at two upcoming fund-raising events.
Maria McFarland reports that the conservation commission is updating the town’s open space and recreation plan. They will be sending out a survey in the mail to everyone next week. Please complete and return by April 30. For questions call 508-696-6404.
A funeral service for Stan Richards will be held on April 18 at 2 p.m. at the Abel’s Hill Cemetery in Chilmark. Stan was a member of West Tisbury board of assessors and was zoning inspector for many years. Our condolences to Nancy and his family.
Happy birthday to: John Alaimo, Will Monast, Heidi Pachico and Caroline Mayhew today; Sally Sherwood, Lindsey Lee, Kristin Buck, Linda Swanson and Jim Leroux tomorrow; Antone Rezendes Sr., Carmen Wilson, John Hoff and Meghan Leonard on Sunday; Prudy Whiting, Sarah Neubert, Anthony Higgins and Deborah Eggers on Monday; Gina Leonardi, Kerry Elkin and Marion Ellis on Tuesday; Anne Bresnick, Jonathan Revere, Don Luce, Debbie Magnuson, Mike Post and Derick Brodeur on Wednesday; Janet Bank, Kimberly Angell, John Burrows and Linda Vadasz on Thursday.
Well, that is of the social news for this edition. If you have any news you would like to share please call or e-mail me. I am quite sure that on Sunday that you ladies will all be wearing colorful Easter bonnets and the men sporting new neckties. Those of us with a Portuguese heritage will continue the time-honored tradition of giving a loaf of Easter sweet bread (with hard-boiled eggs inside) to their friends and neighbors. Best wishes for a happy Easter and have a great week.
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