Women Empowered is proud to announce the first Empowered Woman of the Year Award. Nominations are now being accepted for the woman whose attributes and activities improve the lot of others on the Vineyard, either by her deeds or character.
Nomination forms are available at the following locations: Kiddo’s, Martha’s Closet, Alley’s General Store, My Secret Garden, Espresso Love, Rainy Day, online at women-empowered.org, or by request at 508-696-8880. The deadline for the receipt of nominations is April 30. The forms ask the nominators to define a woman who stands out for her individual achievements, whether she assists others in a humanitarian manner, exhibits leadership in nonprofit organizationsor givesof hertime, talent and effort.
Women Empowered will honorthe award recipient ata brunch to be held on Saturday, May 30, from noon to 2 p.m. at Mediterranean (formerly Lola’s) in Oak Bluffs. Invitations for the brunch will be sent late April and early May. For details, call 508-696-8880.
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