Sunrise Sunset
Fri., May 8 5:30 7:46
Sat., May 9 5:28 7:47
Sun., May 10 5:27 7:48
Mon., May 11 5:26 7:49
Tues., May 12 5:25 7:50
Wed., May 13 5:24 7:51
Thurs., May 14 5:23 7:53
Fri., May 15 5:22 7:54
Tomorrow is the full moon, known this month as the Honey Moon. The moon rises in the east at about the time the sun sets in the west and is in the zodiacal constellation Libra.
Libra is the gateway to summer, although not as impressive as other constellations like Scorpius, Virgo or Leo. Summer is a month away, and overhead the stars have shifted, even though the weather may not yet speak of summer.
For those venturing out at 11 p.m., Libra appears as a southern constellation. By midnight tomorrow, the full moon will overtake Libra’s stars, which are not as bright as other constellations.
Spring planets are in the morning sky. Venus and Mars appear together low in the southeastern sky at dawn. Venus is bright white, while Mars is a dull red. The two planets outshine all the stars in the eastern sky and are easy to see. They appear in the zodiacal constellation Pisces. Jupiter is high in the east in the constellation Capricornus.
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